Thursday, September 21, 2017

RCT 1 - Crumbly Woods

Crumbly Woods

The 1200 guest goal of Mel’s World is back. But you already have half of those guests in the park. So, getting the guest amount isn’t that difficult. There is, however, a different hidden obstacle in this park. If you check the ages of the rides, they are quite old. This causes two problems. First, they break down a lot. Secondly, guests don’t pay a lot for them. That wooden coaster that could easily have an entrance price of €6 if new, won’t attract any guests at all when €3 is asked.

The old flat rates, like the haunted house and carrousel, were replaced immediately. Whiplash, the corkscrew coasters, was just removed and replaced with a different dual corkscrew coaster. I also deleted the car ride as it is just way to long causing guests to complain about the length both for waiting and for being inside the ride, so I replaced it with a go karts track (which due to race mode still causes long waiting times, sorry guests). I also saved the wild mouse track and replaced it without the underground section. The wooden coaster was kept because it would take too much effort to replace and it’s a rather good coaster that I don’t want to delete.

A nice aspect of crumbly woods is that every ride is available for research. So, I got a lot of roller coasters by the end of it. All the important stalls are initially available as well (information kiosk, food stall, drink stall and restroom) as well as the balloon stall that I like to have when finishing the scenario. The combination of not needing to research any stalls plus the possibility to have every ride means that I could build more here than in every other park and get a record park value. ^^

Objective: 1200 guests in 3 years
Difficulty: Moderate
Final guests: 2.227
Park Value: €64.000

Company Value:  €152.000

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