Thursday, September 28, 2017

Difficulty of Original RCT1 Parks

Difficulty of Original RCT1 Parks

Below is a table of all scenario's of rct1 and my percieved difficulty rating with the meaning:
Very easy: Waiting for it to be completed was the only challenge
Easy: The goal was reached in just 1/3 of the total time. By the end i had at least twice the guestcount/park value that is required in that time.
Moderate: I failed to get the goal in 1/3 of the total time (usually October year 1), but usually just barely. More common with parks with high guest requirements (900-1200 by year 3)
Hard: Because of park size/elevation/other restrictions, the amount of guests I got was noticeable fewer than i would expect, or the name of the scenario is rainbow valley.

very easy Forest Frontiers         719*
easy Dynamite Dunes 1581
very easy Leafy Lake 1605
easy Diamond Heights 1822
easy Evergreen gardens       2088*
easy Bumbly Beach       1439*
moderate Trinity islands 1498
easy Katie dreamland 1766
hard Pokey Park       1123*
easy White Water Park 1874
moderate Millenium mines 1771
moderate Karts & Coasters 1823
moderate Mel's World 1972
hard Mystic Mountain 1377
easy Pacific Pyramids       2233*
moderate Crumbly Woods 2228
easy Big Pier       1316*
hard Lightning Peaks 1480
moderate Ivory Towers 1850
hard Rainbow Valley       2034*
easy Thunder Rock       1985*
*= This scenario's goal deadline was not October year 3.

Below is a graph of the 3 year parks with the guests amount at march 1, year 4, and the difficulty rating I gave it. The main influence for the guests at the end was:
- Earlier parks had fewer guests than later ones
- Except that harder parks had fewer than easier one (mostly notable on Trinity island, Mystic Mountain and Lightning Peaks)

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