Thursday, November 2, 2017

RCT 1 - Funtopia


My favorite scenario of the five initial scenario's of the expansion. It's a relatively square, flat, not to many trees. While it's definitely not the largest park out there, due to the shape and flatness it feels not to compact. It builds a bit like Barony Bridge, except there is no water for guests to drown in and you initial ride selection is really expansive compared to all previous parks, both expansion and original.

When I started this scenario, I put the research on roller coasters as all necessary shops/stalls are available. First I built some gentle rides, as there are two intense roller coasters already available, and a small mini coasters. As the steel wild mouse was researched early, I made one of those as well. After building a couple small coasters, I eventually made a larger inverted coaster and wooden twister coaster. By the end, the park was comfortable occupied with attractions.

Just like the other park that requires 1400 guests, they park is equipped with enough means to get 2000+ in without too much problems. It's actually a rather easy park despite the high goal and somewhat smallish size.

Objective: 1400 guests in 3 years
Difficulty: Easy
Final guests: 2.140
Park Value: 57.900€
Company Value: 159.000€

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