Friday, November 24, 2017

RCT 1 - Gentle Glen

Gentle Glen

The next scneario has an odd restriction: guests prefer an intensity below 4 and stop riding rides somewhere around 6. It's also a somewhat hilly small island. Getting 1200 guests in here won't be very difficult, but getting the high amount of guests I got in Future World won't be possible.

Unlike the previous scenario's, I researched gentle rides first (and some roller coasters), Which seems to attract guests somewhat slower than usual. This park researches (as far as I know) every gentle ride, but the amount of roller coasters and thrill rides is rather restricted. One annoying aspect I had was that my side-friction coaster crashed like three times... It wasn't built that well apparently. Because of the focus on smaller attractions my park value and company values were some of the lowest I ever got.

Objective: 1200 guests in 3 years
Difficulty: Moderate
Final guests: 1.538 (New record, up 11 from Crumbly Woods)
Park Value: 32.600€ (New record, up 11.000 from Crumbly Woods)
Company Value: 81.000€

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