Thursday, November 16, 2017

RCT 1 - Future World

The second large map of the expansion (after Three Monkeys Park), it's quite flat and you start with a nice coaster. The goal is the highest I met yet (1500 guests in 3 years), but in this park, that goal seems really doable and even rather easy.

As I do most of the time, I started with researching roller coasters (but this time I forgot to increase the funding immediately...). I think this park has about every coaster available except for the steel coaster (which incidentally, is the most profitable one with its shuttle loops). By the time the park ended my park contained 23 coasters (including one virginia reel and the original vertical coaster) and a monster park value of about 75.000. I slightly improved my guest count over Crumbly Woods (my previous record) and blew that of Park Value away. The Company Value was the third largest I ever got in three years ( trailing only Mel's World and White Water Park).

This scenario was quite a breath of fresh air where it seems you could just build a lot of coasters in the open space. I like. After playing this park, I can confirm that it is not difficult at all.

Objective: 1500 guests in 3 years
Difficulty: Easy
Final guests: 2.238 (New record, up 11 from Crumbly Woods)
Park Value: 75.000€ (New record, up 11.000 from Crumbly Woods)
Company Value: 176.000€

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