Thursday, November 9, 2017

RCT 1 - Haunted Harbor

Haunted Harbor

The sixth scenario of the corkscrew follies expansion. A relatively small park (larger than Pokey Park, about the same as Mystic Mountain), but that can be expanded as there is plenty of land to buy. But while the initial park is rather flat, the extra land is hilly as hell, so I did not buy much extra.

Due to park size, I built much more compact than on the previous parks of corkscrew follies, with tracked rides above each other (sometimes three layers, such as wooden coaster with steel mini on top of it, with the mine train on top of that one). But neither buying land nor cramming as hard as I did is really necessary to get 1200 guests required.

While normally I try to research all roller coasters first, here I only researched a few and then started researching thrill rides and later gentle rides. As you can see, it is pretty full even without a crapload of coasters.

Objective: 1200 guests in 3 years
Difficulty: Easy
Final guests: 1.847
Park Value: 37.100€
Company Value: 98.000€

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