Tuesday, November 14, 2017

RCT 1 - Fun Fortress

Fun Fortress

Scenario nr.7 . Same goal as Canary Mines, but without any initial built rides. You start with a smallish hilly park with a 'wall" on its edges. removing the pathing system of the fortress netted me a cool 3.000€. 

So I first made us of the available gentle rides and then build some roller coasters. I checked the initial shops and stalls and noticed all the requirements are there, so I first researched some roller coasters. And with some, I mean that it took until October year 2 to research "em all, which means I ended up with a lot of coasters (15, building all but the most annoying to build, such as bobsled and suspended coasters).

After having all the coasters, I researched some stalls and then went on with gentle rides instead of the usual thrill rides. I ended up with a suprising amount of guests... in the negative sense, just a tad bit above 1.500. Is it because I researched gentle rides instead of thrill rides? maybe they attract more?

Objective: 1300 guests in 3 years
Difficulty: Moderate
Final guests: 1.532
Park Value: 48.600€
Company Value: 91.000€

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