Monday, October 30, 2017

RCT 1 - Barony Bridge

Barony Bridge

The fourth scenario of the expansion pack. You start with a bridge connecting two entrances and a square in building rights over water, which means this is a very flat park. I experienced some minor problems with building (once didn't connect a roller coaster exit properly and about 30 guests fell into the water, of whom three drowned) and everything is two tile heights more expensive than usual. I also started with a disappointing attraction selection, including only one roller coaster, one thrill ride ,only two gentle rides and no transport ride at all.

I started this off with building every available attraction, including ones I usually forget about like the car ride. Then focused mostly on roller coaster research with some thrill rides. Due to the flatness, this park doesn't feel quite as small as it really is, so I didn't build my coaster compactly. Their is also a lack of coasters that can be launched (only corkscrew and inverted), therefore building compact coaster would be a problem anyway.

After getting all thrill rides and coasters, I researched stalls for the obligatory balloon stall that I always want to get and then researched gentle rides to fill the spaces between the coasters. This park is rather easy, with the only really annoying thing being the lack of attraction choices at the start.

Objective: 1200 guests in 3 years
Difficulty: Easy
Final guests: 1.704
Park Value: 47.000€
Company Value: 133.000€

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