Thursday, October 19, 2017

RCT 1 - Whispering Cliffs

Whispering Cliffs

The first scenario of the expansion sets the tone of the difficulty increase. The first scenario of the original was the easy, flat and quick Forest Frontiers. Whispering Cliffs is none of these. It's very wide and ridiculously narrow, averaging about 6 spaces wide above the cliffs and 5 below. The total area isn't much more than Mystic Mountain. The goal here is park value, in between that goals of Diamond Heights and Katie's Dreamworld, except here you have a much smaller park and start from scratch.

The cliff in the "middle" of the park does have one advantage, you can build roller coasters with a station on top of the cliff and go down immediately and have the chain lift at the end (if you don't build on the water, you lose half of an already small park). The other kind of rides (all non-tracked flat rides) can be build on top of the cliff. One change that makes it easier is that scenario's from the expansion often start with more rides initially available. Most scenario's from the original start with only three or four gentle rides and in whispering cliffs (and most other scenario's that follow) start with more than six.

Objective: 17.000 Park Value in 3 years
Difficulty: Moderate
Final guests: 1.600
Park Value: 41.000€
Company Value: 99.000€

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