Friday, November 24, 2017

RCT 1 - Gentle Glen

Gentle Glen

The next scneario has an odd restriction: guests prefer an intensity below 4 and stop riding rides somewhere around 6. It's also a somewhat hilly small island. Getting 1200 guests in here won't be very difficult, but getting the high amount of guests I got in Future World won't be possible.

Unlike the previous scenario's, I researched gentle rides first (and some roller coasters), Which seems to attract guests somewhat slower than usual. This park researches (as far as I know) every gentle ride, but the amount of roller coasters and thrill rides is rather restricted. One annoying aspect I had was that my side-friction coaster crashed like three times... It wasn't built that well apparently. Because of the focus on smaller attractions my park value and company values were some of the lowest I ever got.

Objective: 1200 guests in 3 years
Difficulty: Moderate
Final guests: 1.538 (New record, up 11 from Crumbly Woods)
Park Value: 32.600€ (New record, up 11.000 from Crumbly Woods)
Company Value: 81.000€

Monday, November 20, 2017

Thursday, November 16, 2017

RCT 1 - Future World

The second large map of the expansion (after Three Monkeys Park), it's quite flat and you start with a nice coaster. The goal is the highest I met yet (1500 guests in 3 years), but in this park, that goal seems really doable and even rather easy.

As I do most of the time, I started with researching roller coasters (but this time I forgot to increase the funding immediately...). I think this park has about every coaster available except for the steel coaster (which incidentally, is the most profitable one with its shuttle loops). By the time the park ended my park contained 23 coasters (including one virginia reel and the original vertical coaster) and a monster park value of about 75.000. I slightly improved my guest count over Crumbly Woods (my previous record) and blew that of Park Value away. The Company Value was the third largest I ever got in three years ( trailing only Mel's World and White Water Park).

This scenario was quite a breath of fresh air where it seems you could just build a lot of coasters in the open space. I like. After playing this park, I can confirm that it is not difficult at all.

Objective: 1500 guests in 3 years
Difficulty: Easy
Final guests: 2.238 (New record, up 11 from Crumbly Woods)
Park Value: 75.000€ (New record, up 11.000 from Crumbly Woods)
Company Value: 176.000€

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

RCT 1 - Fun Fortress

Fun Fortress

Scenario nr.7 . Same goal as Canary Mines, but without any initial built rides. You start with a smallish hilly park with a 'wall" on its edges. removing the pathing system of the fortress netted me a cool 3.000€. 

So I first made us of the available gentle rides and then build some roller coasters. I checked the initial shops and stalls and noticed all the requirements are there, so I first researched some roller coasters. And with some, I mean that it took until October year 2 to research "em all, which means I ended up with a lot of coasters (15, building all but the most annoying to build, such as bobsled and suspended coasters).

After having all the coasters, I researched some stalls and then went on with gentle rides instead of the usual thrill rides. I ended up with a suprising amount of guests... in the negative sense, just a tad bit above 1.500. Is it because I researched gentle rides instead of thrill rides? maybe they attract more?

Objective: 1300 guests in 3 years
Difficulty: Moderate
Final guests: 1.532
Park Value: 48.600€
Company Value: 91.000€

Thursday, November 9, 2017

RCT 1 - Haunted Harbor

Haunted Harbor

The sixth scenario of the corkscrew follies expansion. A relatively small park (larger than Pokey Park, about the same as Mystic Mountain), but that can be expanded as there is plenty of land to buy. But while the initial park is rather flat, the extra land is hilly as hell, so I did not buy much extra.

Due to park size, I built much more compact than on the previous parks of corkscrew follies, with tracked rides above each other (sometimes three layers, such as wooden coaster with steel mini on top of it, with the mine train on top of that one). But neither buying land nor cramming as hard as I did is really necessary to get 1200 guests required.

While normally I try to research all roller coasters first, here I only researched a few and then started researching thrill rides and later gentle rides. As you can see, it is pretty full even without a crapload of coasters.

Objective: 1200 guests in 3 years
Difficulty: Easy
Final guests: 1.847
Park Value: 37.100€
Company Value: 98.000€

Thursday, November 2, 2017

RCT 1 - Funtopia


My favorite scenario of the five initial scenario's of the expansion. It's a relatively square, flat, not to many trees. While it's definitely not the largest park out there, due to the shape and flatness it feels not to compact. It builds a bit like Barony Bridge, except there is no water for guests to drown in and you initial ride selection is really expansive compared to all previous parks, both expansion and original.

When I started this scenario, I put the research on roller coasters as all necessary shops/stalls are available. First I built some gentle rides, as there are two intense roller coasters already available, and a small mini coasters. As the steel wild mouse was researched early, I made one of those as well. After building a couple small coasters, I eventually made a larger inverted coaster and wooden twister coaster. By the end, the park was comfortable occupied with attractions.

Just like the other park that requires 1400 guests, they park is equipped with enough means to get 2000+ in without too much problems. It's actually a rather easy park despite the high goal and somewhat smallish size.

Objective: 1400 guests in 3 years
Difficulty: Easy
Final guests: 2.140
Park Value: 57.900€
Company Value: 159.000€