Monday, October 30, 2017

RCT 1 - Barony Bridge

Barony Bridge

The fourth scenario of the expansion pack. You start with a bridge connecting two entrances and a square in building rights over water, which means this is a very flat park. I experienced some minor problems with building (once didn't connect a roller coaster exit properly and about 30 guests fell into the water, of whom three drowned) and everything is two tile heights more expensive than usual. I also started with a disappointing attraction selection, including only one roller coaster, one thrill ride ,only two gentle rides and no transport ride at all.

I started this off with building every available attraction, including ones I usually forget about like the car ride. Then focused mostly on roller coaster research with some thrill rides. Due to the flatness, this park doesn't feel quite as small as it really is, so I didn't build my coaster compactly. Their is also a lack of coasters that can be launched (only corkscrew and inverted), therefore building compact coaster would be a problem anyway.

After getting all thrill rides and coasters, I researched stalls for the obligatory balloon stall that I always want to get and then researched gentle rides to fill the spaces between the coasters. This park is rather easy, with the only really annoying thing being the lack of attraction choices at the start.

Objective: 1200 guests in 3 years
Difficulty: Easy
Final guests: 1.704
Park Value: 47.000€
Company Value: 133.000€

Thursday, October 26, 2017

RCT 1 - Canary Mines

Canary Mines

The third level of the expansion pack. It remind me of Millenium Mines in both title and the scenario look, except its smaller and requires 50% more guests. You start with a miniature railway (again) and two duelling vertical coasters that only crashed three times while playing, thanks scenario designer.

This scenario's use of the muddy underground (and name) is reminiscent of Millenium Mines, but while Millenium Mines was relativly flat with some cliffs, Canary Mines is really hilly with more and worse cliffs in the mine area itself. The opening layout is also perfect to have guests get lost later in the park, is it clear that I am no fan of its initial layout. Pity I always try to keep the original attractions intact, as they were rather space consuming here.

While 1300 guests in three years isn't to hard, expansion here was somewhat hard and even with almost continued marketing from year 2 on, I still didn't get that goal until year 3. This is the first time I didn't get a Ballon Stall =(.

Objective: 1300 guests in 3 years
Difficulty: Moderate
Final guests: 1.883
Park Value: 55.070€
Company Value: 114.000€

Monday, October 23, 2017

RCT 1 - Three Monkeys Park

Three Monkeys Park

Three Monkeys Park, named so because it's three big central steel coasters are named after the mystic monkeys that "see no evil", "hear no evil" and "speak no evil". In this large park (which is one of the largest of the Corkscrew Follies expansion) you must attract 1400 guests in 3 years. Compared to the guest goals in the original, this is really a lot(, but so far I would only have failed that amount in Mystic Mountain).

Looking initially at the park, you would notice it is rather uneven. It's not really hilly, but except for the water it has almost no places that are flat. When you look at the initial attraction selection, I noticed a lot of gentle rides options (not proportionally compared to other types of attraction). This is the kind of park where I wouldn't research gentle rides at all if I didn't run out of other research options. For some reason there was a bit of stagnation in the second year while I played this park with my guest count fluctuating around 1200 for almost the entire year.

Objective : 1400 guests in 3 years
Difficulty: Moderate
Final guests: 2.111
Park Value: 57.300€
Company Value: 142.000€

Thursday, October 19, 2017

RCT 1 - Whispering Cliffs

Whispering Cliffs

The first scenario of the expansion sets the tone of the difficulty increase. The first scenario of the original was the easy, flat and quick Forest Frontiers. Whispering Cliffs is none of these. It's very wide and ridiculously narrow, averaging about 6 spaces wide above the cliffs and 5 below. The total area isn't much more than Mystic Mountain. The goal here is park value, in between that goals of Diamond Heights and Katie's Dreamworld, except here you have a much smaller park and start from scratch.

The cliff in the "middle" of the park does have one advantage, you can build roller coasters with a station on top of the cliff and go down immediately and have the chain lift at the end (if you don't build on the water, you lose half of an already small park). The other kind of rides (all non-tracked flat rides) can be build on top of the cliff. One change that makes it easier is that scenario's from the expansion often start with more rides initially available. Most scenario's from the original start with only three or four gentle rides and in whispering cliffs (and most other scenario's that follow) start with more than six.

Objective: 17.000 Park Value in 3 years
Difficulty: Moderate
Final guests: 1.600
Park Value: 41.000€
Company Value: 99.000€

Monday, October 16, 2017

RCT1 Expansion : Corkscrew Follies

Rct1 expansion : Corkscrew Follies

Next up is the first expansion of roller coaster tycoon 1. Compared to the new scenario's, the original scenario's are a child's play (Well, it was a children's game after all). When you look the initial expansion scenario's, you see smaller parks with usually more uneven terrain and the easiest goal being the same as the hardest from the original (, 1200 guests in 3 years seems to be the easiest you can get). The positive thing about the expansion is that almost all scenario's start with (much) more initial attractions available, barring some exceptions.