Thursday, August 31, 2017

RCT 1 : Evergreen Gardens

Evergreen Gardens

The last of the original five starting scenarios. It’s huge, really huge. It’s actually the largest of all scenario’s. It also gives an additional year to complete getting it’s 1000 guests goal.

Starting out with a not so flat garden, knowing that removing trees costs money, is not so easy. And the pathing systems that already exist will cause guests to get lost, therefore you must block the path somehow so they don’t wander off. Or you could just delete the entire system outright, which gives some nice starting money.

After 4 years, almost everything is researched (only some stalls are lacking). I don’t like building the same attraction twice, except for dueling coasters, but due to the size of the park and the length of the scenario a few were used twice after a ‘ride improvement” was researched. This is a good park to get a high park value, it will probably remain one of the highest at more than 200.000!

Objective. 1000 guests in 4 year
Difficulty: Easy
Final guests: 2088
Park value: €55.000
Company value: €227.000

RCT 1 - Diamond Heights

Diamond Heights

After starting with (near) empty parks, this one starts with more guests then is the objective of the previous scenario. It contains the majestic coasters Claustrophobia and Agoraphobia, the RCT-famous dueling coasters.

It contains also many other attractions, which is nice to see when you just start out. But it doesn’t contain any stalls and for some added “difficulty” you have to research a food stall first. Its objective is also in park value instead of guests (the only park value objective out of the first five scenario’s.), quite a problem when at first you don’t know what park value is.
The park value needs to become €20.000 starting from about €13.000, though the value of attractions decline with time. Therefore, you actually need to add more than “just” 7.000.

Objective. 20.000 park value in 3 years
Difficulty: Easy
Final guests: 1822 (new record, 220 more than in Leafy Lake)
Park value: €45.000 (new record, 10.000 more than in Dynamite Dunes)

Company value: €132.000 (new record, 40.000 more than in Dynamite Dunes)

Monday, August 28, 2017

RCT 1 : Leafy Lake

Leafy Lake

The next scenario is Leafy Lake. Noob-Me always saw it as a supersized Forest Frontiers with a lake. It’s flat, large, not all that many trees and you can loan €50.000!

In my opinion, this should have been the second level; it’s goal is lower than dynamite dunes, it’s land flatter and the park bigger. Alas, it’s not. This was the second scenario I ever completed when I was young. I liked that there are some rides available here that aren’t in forest frontiers, such as the Top spin, launched freefall and souvenir stall. The rides I “discovered” here will always have a special place in my mind.

It’s objective is also oddly low, 500 guests in 3 years as compared to the first scenario’s 250 in 1. Of course I grossly overshot this goal already in the first year and got three times more guests than required by the end of the third year, what would you expect when you are no longer 7 years old.

Objective : 500 guests in 3 years
Difficulty : Very Easy
Final guests: 1605 guests (New record, 20 more than in Dynamite dunes)
Park value: €32.000
Company value: €80.000

RCT 1 : Dynamite Dunes

Dynamite Dunes

The second level of Roller Coaster tycoon 2. I liked this level quite a bit less than Forest frontiers, as it not nearly as flat and not that big either. It does contain a nice prebuilt coaster, however.

A big difference, apart from the desert territory, from forest frontiers is that fact that his level lasts thrice as long. Giving you three years for an objective that is almost three times more than forest frontiers. If you know a bit about this game, attaining your target guests amount within a year isn’t to hard, as I got more then 700 in forest frontiers and also in this one.

When all was said and done, I got 1580 guests, more than twice the goal and a company value of about €90.000 with a park value of park value of about €35.000. Waiting to get the goal 2 years after getting enough guests was harder, or at least more tedious, than the goal itself. At least it doesn’t rain often in the desert, So the guests keep spending money on the rollercoasters.

Objective : 650 guests in 3 years
Difficulty : Easy
Final guests: 1581 guests
Park value: €36.800
Company value: €90.000

Thursday, August 24, 2017

RCT 1 : Forest Frontier

Forest Frontiers

The first level of RollerCoaster Tycoon 1. I remember this being my favorite level when I was young, because it’s very flat and very treeless. It fulfills its function as a good introductory level to learn about RCT1.

I discovered roller coaster tycoon at school where one of the computers had a few games, one of which was RCT1. After playing it a couple of times during some indoor breaks, I “persuaded” my parents to buy it, persuasion at that age being keep bothering them until they got it.

As this is the first and probably the easiest level, as well as the quickest, this was the first level I ever completed. Unlocking Bumbly Beach, which was a magical moment. At first I thought I kept the researched rides in the new level, as the information kiosk, fenris wheel and observation tower were immediately available in the new level. Ofcourse, it quickly saw that was not the case.

Forest Frontiers was also the level I replayed the most and got some of most fond memories off from this entire franchise. Despite the very low guest requirement, I still succeeded in not getting there a few times.

I decided to play this again for nostalgic value, getting almost three times more guests then required and a company value of 18.000.

Objective: 250 guests in 1 year.

Difficulty : Very Easy